Sunday, April 3, 2011

Using TOC while seeking a new job (part 2)

(Part 1)
When a system goes through a TOC process it defines its goal (what it wants more of) and the necessary conditions (what can't be done in order to get more of the goal units). Once this is in place every part of the system can be graded as supporting the effort to reach the goal, not supporting the effort to reach the goal or limiting the effort to reach the goal. If one was part of such a system – which type of position (regardless of performance in said position) would one want?
This is a point to contemplate as we move through the process of finding and getting a new job, in my opinion. At each step of the hiring process it is a good idea to stop and review the possible grade this position has in the organization.
Admittedly, most systems now days have yet to define their goal the TOC way.  When the hiring organization is a for profit company, this is not a major issue as we know the goal. If the organization is not for profit, it is a bit trickier but I suspect most people will have the necessary intuition to run the analysis even without a clearly defined goal and measuring system.
Instinctively, one would probably consider a position with a "limiting the effort" grade a bad choice, but I think this deserves a second thought. If the insight gained shows one can help turn around this position to make it "support the effort" one can create value to the organization, maybe even major value which will, probably, lead to positive results for the individual as well. Tread with caution, though, and make as sure as possible the chance does exist at the position level (the position can be turned around), at the environment level (peers and managers will support and can be moved to support the change) and at the personal level (the effort needed is within one's current capabilities or within reach).

Here is an idea for creating a URO for employers....

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